Application Profile:包括封面、學生履歷表、自薦信、相片、出生證明書、領洗證明書、成績表、 重要證書和突出孩子長處的資料。 履歷表只須一頁長,讓人一目了然。
以一頁長的自薦信點出子女的長處如何配合學校的教學理念,必須突顯誠意和家長對學校的了解 ,中英均可。
- 為何要申請這校
- 家長對辦學機構的要求,一直對小孩的培訓
- 貴校希望的辦學理念是我一直希望….
- 希望小兒/女可在貴校一同成長共同向理念手
獎狀證書副本只宜加入全港性或有代表性比賽的優勝獎狀,一般興趣班的可免則免,個人認為較一般的獎狀證書興趣班資料在履歷表內列出經已足夠,無須額外提供副本 。
2) The info that must
- 學生相一張
- 回郵信封
- 兒童出世紙
- K1 to K3 成積表
- K1 to K3 兒童表現
- K1 to K3 作品紀錄
- K1 to K3 家課 / 工作紙
All items must divided in index & have cover
1) Cover better designed & draw by your kid
2) Index (clearly show which page for which items)
3) Letter to school
4) Standard info school need
5) Comment from his/her form teacher, & show how you match the learning for kids together with school (show your sincere work together with school)
6) Report, no need for the best, but need to show he/she getting improve both by hard working from kids & parents
7) Reference with fun, said writing, drawing & other art work
8) Course they join, not show off you are wealth to give but to care to give, let kid to have change to learn more under their willing (show by report, must with laugh not by tears)