前兩日在 City 豬扒見到 SINVINO 香檳做緊買4送1,就買了一打返屋企,標榜100%果汁、冇糖、冇酒精,Sinvino Gold 味道有少少似apple cider....不過佢就濃味好多....唔似汽水.....都唔錯....
而且個 label 顏色同野飲既顏色好襯呀......
SINVINO offers 2 dolce flavours: “SINVINO Red” – a fusion of White Grape and Cassis, and “SINVINO Gold” - Apple. Both are uniquely:
- Manufactured by famous Crystal Geyser Water Company
- From 100% natural juice concentrate
- No preservatives, artificial colorings or sugar
- Offering champagne-liked bubbles