一年一度農曆新年將會由本月十日 (年初一) 開始,為確保羊生和本人有足夠的流動資金渡過年關,從本月十日零晨開始至三月一日,我們將會實施會面人流管制。在這段時間內,所有電話來電將會經過篩選,所有會面要求將會經過審慎考慮。其中單身未婚 (非親友) 人士將不會獲得任何會面安排,電話來電將會被忽略,電話留言亦不會獲得回覆,如在街頭看到羊生和本人,請在街尾盡快離開;如果因特別事情而未能離開,請扮作不認識我們;任何近距離接觸,都將會被視為敵意行為,而羊生和本人亦呼籲以上人士在這時段內盡量避免跟任何已婚人士接觸。已婚(有子女)人士將會因應子女數目及年紀而作出會面安排,內子和本人會盡可能酌情處理。已婚(未有子女)人士將不在此限。
To Whom it may concern,
For the upcoming Chinese New Year, we have setup a new guideline for our social gathering. From Feb 10th to March 1st, we will no longer accept any gathering requests from single non-marry friends. Your calls will be screened, your voice-mail will not be answered. If you see us on the street, please turn around and walk (do not run) away silently. If you cannot leave that location for special reason, please pretend you do not know us. Married couples (with kids) will be screened for social gathering, we will consider your gathering request based on the number of children and the age of your children. Married couples without kids are not restricted.
Thank you for your corporation.